The place we call the Hermitage Center; It is a "home" in which one can turn to one's essence, get rid of the illusions created by social life and the material lifestyle, and get rid of everything that distracts the person and prevents him from being "me". According to the yogi understanding, social life is an order that causes people to form uncontrolled thought patterns and drags the person to a shallow, taught and sometimes meaningless life.
With the inspiration of being surrounded by people with awareness and space created to be oneself in the Retreat Center, “Who am I? What is my purpose of existence? What do I want? Why do I want it?" He finds the opportunity to ask questions that will enable him to know himself and work on it. Kioo Retreat Center has been designed in a way that will remove the inertia created by comfort, but at the same time offer the necessary comfort for practice.
1. Harming or killing any living thing should be avoided
2. Lying and being dishonest should be avoided.
3. Taking and stealing something that does not belong to him should be avoided.
4. The use of any mind-blowing substances and beverages (alcohol, etc.), cigarettes and similar products is prohibited.
5. It is forbidden to make noise.
6. All students must comply with the practice hours of the programs they attend and attend the practices regularly.
7. Help to protect nature by following the waste management rules of the Retreat Center.
8. Must not be rude or discriminate against any person.
9. Only Sattvik dishes are served in the Center. Apart from the meals served at the Center in the morning and evening, meals can be purchased from the Cafe section during the day when needed.
10. The dragon should not be fed without permission.
11. Common areas such as Skating Area and Climbing Wall cannot be used outside the hours specified in the weekly usage schedule.
12. All students must abide by the rules of the room during their time in the Knowledge Room. Books taken from the Knowledge Room must be returned to the room within the specified time.
13. Linens and towels can be changed as needed from the Laundry Office.
14. Rooms are cleaned every three days. If additional cleaning is needed, it can be requested from the Student Office.
15. Since there may be people practicing at all hours of the day in the Meditation Hall, silence must be maintained on the Meditation floor.
16. It is strictly forbidden to enter the kitchen without permission.
17. A student or guest who damages any property of the Retreat Center is obliged to provide the same to the Center.
18. Care should be taken when using candles and incense in the room. All rooms have a fire alarm.
19. We cannot accept pets in our center. For this reason, we would like to remind our guests that they should not bring their pets.
20. You are responsible for your personal belongings. Kioo Retreat Center is not responsible for your personal belongings.
21. Kioo Retreat Center provides accommodation only to students who are within the institute program, activities organized with a teacher (Camp, Retreat etc.) or yogis coming for retreat.
22. Items designated for common use, such as hair dryers and water heaters, must be left to the Student Office immediately after use, so that other students can use them.