17 Nis Per
|Kioo Retreat Center
17-20 April Darkness Retreat with Çetin Çetintaş
This retreat is not the same as the Dark Room retreat. Throughout the entire process, everything will be experienced with eyes shut, including meal times. On this retreat, all the practices are planned to give attention on the heart’s eye.
Saat ve Yer
17 Nis 2025 16:00 – 20 Nis 2025 11:30
Kioo Retreat Center, W234+57, 39100 Karahamza/Kırklareli Merkez/Kırklareli, Türkiye
Etkinlik Hakkında
This retreat, which is reserved for a very limited number of participants, will last for four days. Darkness Retreat will take place at Kioo Retreat Center in Kirklareli, Türkiye (2.5-3.5 hours by car/bus from Istanbul International Airport). On the first day of the retreat, participants will put on eye masks and experience the retreat without removing them until the end. During this process, talking will be kept to a minimum, and mobile phones will not be used.
This retreat is not the same as the Dark Room retreat. Throughout the entire process, everything will be experienced with eyes shut, including meal times. On this retreat, all the practices are planned to give attention on the heart’s eye. When we turn our eyes inward, we will realize how much of what we “see” in the world is completed by our mind’s deceptive perception. Our mind’s natural working principle is to perceive by completing elements of the external world. The mind fills in the gaps of what it perceives and creates an experience. This experience is often far from reality. Through the practices we will be doing during this process, we will realize the “realities” that we create.
Turning our gaze inward, we will confront many dark areas that we have avoided within our minds, and we will realize how our thoughts operate in cycles. We will leave behind the rigid realm of knowledge, realize the limitless potential of the unknown, and reawaken our confidence from deep within ourselves. This process will strengthen our intuitions and help us realize the incredible power of surrender. This retreat, where we will go through many special practices that will deeply transform our relationship with life, is suitable for everyone who has been working on themselves for a long time.
Only if you don’t have a regular practice, it may not be suitable for you.
During this process, we will experience the meals we eat, the paths we walk, the practices we do and every other experience with our eyes completely covered by eye masks. Each participant in the retreat will have their own single room designed to prevent unintentional self-harm. Participants will experience the process safely in the dining hall and the practice areas under the supervision of the guiding instructors. We will complete this enchanting journey by opening our eyes at sunrise on the 4th day.
06:00-07:30: Meditation
07:45-08:45: Walking meditation
08:45-09:15: Connecting with Nature (Meditation)
09:30-11:00: Breakfast
12:00-12:45: Mind practices
14:00-15:00: 3rd Eye Practice
15:30-16:30: Yin Yoga
17:00-18:00: Connecting with Nature (Meditation)
18:30-20:00: Dinner
This event will start at 4:00 PM on the first day and end at 11:30 am on the last day.
The price for the retreat package, including accommodation, breakfast & dinner meals and unlimited tea & coffee, is 990 $. Each participant is required to stay in a single room. You can obtain all information regarding your accommodation by sending an email to register.
For registration: enroll@kiooretrearcenter.com